Substation Groundwork Contractors Haslemere

Foundation Groundworks

Substation Groundwork Contractors

- 01252 235 766

Haslemere Substation Groundwork Contractors

Foundations Groundwork are specialists in all sub station groundworks. We regularly work alongside UKPN or SSEN to provide the groundworks for substations in the Haslemere area.

We provide the groundworks service, prepare substation foundations, supply and fit all parts of the substation base that are your responsibility which are required for allowing future access to the cables (depending on supplier). Haslemere

Approved Haslemere Groundwork Contractors

01252 235 766

Groundworkers for Substations
Preparing a base for a Substation
Foundations for a substation
Substation base contractors

Foundations Groundwork are specialists Substation Groundwork Contractors and experts in all sub station groundworks

Based in Aldershot Foundations Groundwork cover a 40 mile radius including but not limited to: Aldershot, Guildford, Basingstoke, Farnham, Reading, Leatherhead.

  • Contractors for Substation Foundations Haslemere
    • We can lay; trench fill standard strip foundations, reinforced foundations with steel mesh or raft foundations to allow for sub-soil movement.
  • Contractors for Substation Bases Haslemere
    • All substation are finished off with either a bull float, hand float or power float which gives a tough finish to prevent cracking.
  • Ducting and Cabling Haslemere
    • We provide and install all the ducting and cabling required for sub stations

Haslemere Groundwork Contractors for Substations

We specialise in groundworks for substations in Haslemere and surrounding areas. All site preperations and utilities included.