01252 235 766

Foundation Groundworks

Electrical Substation Contractors

Foundation Groundworks are Aldershot based electrical substation contractors who provide site preparation, foundations, groundworks and base preparation for electrical substations.

When it comes to installing an electrical substation the main energy providers like UKPN, SSEN or Western Power Distribution supply the substation unit and install the cabling but it is often left to the client to undertake the site preparation and provide the footings and base for the substation.

This is where you need Foundation Groundworks.

Foundation Groundworks liaise with the energy providers or main contactors, provide the groundworks for the substation and lay all cabling or ducting from the site boundary to the substation base in preparation for the Electrical company to complete the installation.

For further information see our Substation Groundworks section

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30 Mandora House
Gallwey Road
GU11 2DD
01252 235 766
01252 235 766
Site Clearance
Foundation Groundworks


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